Tip 1: Place hand sanitizer at “highly used touchpoints” in your home
This one is probably one of the easiest for you to achieve. Your household is likely already aflush with hand sanitizer due to COVID-19 and you have to convince your children or elderly to use it up. Instantly increase hand hygiene by placing hand sanitizer at locations that are frequently touched, like doors, the key rack, desks, toys or gardens.
Instead of rooting around for a bottle, it is easier to install them at fixed locations. The CDC recommends washing your hands with soap and water whenever possible, as handwashing is more thorough than hand sanitizer. However, washing your hands very frequently tends to dry out your hands, and sinks are not always available. It’s much more convenient to use a hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol to maintain a higher level of hand hygiene.
Tip 2: Use Air Purifiers with HEPA filters to remove most allergens and dust particles.
HEPA air purifiers capture nearly 99% percent of types of allergen and odour inducing particles smaller than 0.3 microns. They are also able to remove pet dander and dust from the environment, making it easier for you to breathe clean air. In general, the smaller the particles that an air purifier is able to capture, the more effective it is, and the better a buy. When purchasing air purifiers, keep an eye out for the diameter of particles they are able to remove. Read more about how HEPA filters work.
Some of them, such as the Novita 2-In-1 Dehumidifier with HEPA Air Purification function as both a dehumidifier and air purifier at once. This gives them the advantage of lowering high humidity levels in your home.
Tip 3: Frequently clean and disinfect frequently used furniture and other surfaces.
There’s been evidence found that the COVID-19 virus and other coronavirus are able to survive for hours to days on surfaces made out of different materials (such as couches and countertops). If you fear that a surface has been contaminated with the COVID-19 virus or exposed to respiratory droplets from a sick person, it’s a good idea to both clean and disinfect the surface.
What’s the difference between cleaning and disinfecting?
Cleaning means making surfaces clean by removing dirt, germs, or impurities. Cleaning does not eliminate germs but it lowers the risk of spreading infections by removing them. Most of the time, we simply clean our houses (with wet cloths or non-chemical methods), not disinfect them thoroughly.
Disinfecting means killing the germs by using chemicals on surfaces. This process can help reduce the risk of spreading infection by killing germs on the surface after cleaning, and it doesn’t necessarily clean dirty surfaces or remove germs. Hence, the best move to make is to do a daily wipedown and then disinfect afterwards for maximum protection.
I’d like some help with making my home safer from COVID. Does Ecosense offer any help with this?
Definitely. In addition to our mould remediation services, we here at Ecosense also pride ourselves on helping to educate the public about keeping their home, family and selves safe from illness and disease. If you’d like to talk to us further about covid home safety tips, or the range of services we offer, please do contact us. We are here to help.